Board Meeting Presentations
- Dr. Joseph Konopka, Vice President of Workforce and Professional Education, and Dr. Meredith Riddle, Assistant Dean of e-Learning, will present on the new Ocean County College Alternate Route Educator Preparation Program, an alternative pathway to teacher certification. They will describe the application process to the New Jersey Department of Education and outline the phased timeline for developing and deploying the 400-hour courses, which will be available in an online course modality starting in Fall 2024.
Two New Jersey teachers who have completed OCC’s 50-hour pre-service teaching program will share their experiences and achievements as they transitioned into the teaching profession through the program. The efficacy and impact of the educator preparation program will be discussed, as will the forecasted success for New Jersey aspiring teachers seeking alternative routes to certification at Ocean County College.
- OCC Computer Science students are currently working with Joint Base McGuire-Dix-Lakehurst (JB MDL) on a software internship program. The students recently visited the base for a meeting with Tech. Sgt. Dakota of the JB MDL Spark Innovation Lab. The student-led team is building a “ChatGPT Application” that summarizes aircraft maintenance procedures for technicians. This is an excellent opportunity for students to experience what it would be like during the early years of their careers to build a software application. The team has been working with the JB MDL Spark Innovation team since November and will deliver the AI-based application at the end of the semester.
OCC JB MDL team members Marco Ferreira and Max Kripinski will present their project work at Thursday’s meeting with College Lecturer II in Computer Studies Ken Michalek. Other students on the team include Chris Mata, Victoria Collazo, Evan Hilla, Peter (Phuc) Nguyen, and Skylar Wianecki.
- Dr. Samantha Glassford, Assistant Dean of Arts and Humanities, recently defended her doctoral dissertation and was awarded an Ed.D. in Education Leadership from Rowan University in the Winter 2024 Session. At Thursday’s meeting, Dr. Glassford will share the purpose of her dissertation, which was to explore the sensemaking that occurred after the interruption of Guided Self-Placement, as well as the discourses present at an emerging Hispanic-serving institution (EHSI), a community college in New Jersey that either upholds or challenges the oppressive structures and barriers for multilingual students. The study employed Fairclough’s (2015) theory of Critical Discourse Analysis to analyze eight interviews with administrators and English faculty at the institution.
The study found that discourses of capitalism and English centrism dominated the data, while a discourse of frustration was a counter-discourse. The study also found an absence of Hispanic-serving discourse in the interviews. The results of this study and the analysis of the findings should serve as a starting point for the institution to create a more welcoming and inclusive campus for multilingual students as it continues its journey toward HSI status.
Faculty and Staff Presentations, Publications, and Projects
- Ms. Sara Winchester, Executive Vice President of Finance and Administration, chaired a Middle States accreditation follow-up visit at Clinton Community College in Plattsburgh, New York, from March 20 to 22, 2024.
- Nursing College Lecturers Sharon Scrofine, DNP, RN, CNE, CEN, and Danielle Piccione, MSN, RN, presented a poster, “Gamification of the Nursing Classroom – Improving Learner Engagement and Outcomes,” at the National League for Nursing Convention in Atlantic City on March 20 and 21, 2024. Their presentation focused on incorporating gaming within the classroom as part of didactic course delivery. Student surveys in courses where gaming was incorporated within the classroom indicated increased engagement, making them excited to attend class and adding to their learning experience.
- On March 26, 2024, Adjunct Professor of Social Work Anais Mompoint moderated a panel of community social workers to acknowledge and celebrate National Social Work Month. One of the current Advisory Board Members, Ms. Maureen DeSantis, also joined as a co-moderator and supported the event’s planning. Students had the opportunity to learn about the profession of social work and how the power, privilege, and intersectionality of current social workers support clients in the community. The event drew the support and sponsorship of Bright Harbor’s “The Nook Food Insecurity Program” to provide additional refreshments for students and guest participants.
- Dr. Jennifer Dellner, Professor of English and Literature, was awarded an Academic Affairs Instructional Innovation Grant for Summer 2024. Dr. Dellner will work on a project where she will create an investigative prototype of a course that uses gaming and gamification pedagogies to create a more dynamic relationship between the synchronous and asynchronous components of student engagement in hybrid learning environments.
- Dr. Madison Peschock, College Lecturer II in English and Literature, presented a paper titled “Harper Lee: More Than Just a Mockingbird—A Poet Too” at the NEMLA (Northeast Modern Language Association) Conference in Boston, Massachusetts, in March 2024. Dr. Peschock’s paper was based on primary research of rare Lee poems she found in the Research Library at Emory University last summer while in Georgia on a National Endowment for the Humanities grant.
- Mr. Jason Molloy, College Lecturer II in English, and Ms. Jayanti Tamm, Associate Professor of English, presented a seminar on The Sopranos on April 8, 2024, for the show’s 25th anniversary. They discussed the culture of the Italian mafia in New Jersey, including how the show built up its unique criminal world. They displayed various clips of the show from episodes “Pilot,” “College,” and “Pine Barrens,” where they explained how each segment played a pivotal role in the development of the show’s characters.
- Mr. Nathanial Bard, Instructor of Humanities and Fine Arts, installed a curated collection of student artwork highlighting drawing, figure drawing, and 2D design projects in the Ocean County Mall. The collection was curated art by students Joselyn Cuevas, Amanda Merola, and Dom Lawson and will be on view as a pop-up exhibit in the display window of what used to be Champs near Applebee’s. It’s still being determined how long the installation will be on view, and it might be replaced by more recent student artwork by the end of the semester.
- Dr. David Bordelon, Professor of English, and Associate Professor Jayanti Tamm partnered with the English Department at The College of New Jersey (TCNJ) to present a panel on New Jersey Literature at the National English Honor Society Convention in St. Louis, Missouri, from April 3 to 6, 2024. As a result of this collaboration, the OCC Chapter of Sigma Kappa Delta will be working on future programs, partnerships, and potential scholarship opportunities with TCNJ’s English Honor Society.
- Ms. Calleigh Kearns, Enrollment Services Advisor for Partnerships and Outreach, and Ms. Jenna Puglisi, Student Success Coach, presented at the regional NACADA conference in Atlantic City on April 4, 2024. Their session, Stop, Collaborate and Listen: Coaching Students for Academic Success, was the most attended presentation, with 115 attendees and standing room only.
- Dr. Sheenah Hartigan, Executive Director of Enrollment Services, presented at the American Association of Community Colleges conference in Louisville, Kentucky, on April 8, 2024. The presentations were entitled “Let’s Give ‘em Something to Talk a’Bot: Using Student Insight through AI” and “May I Have Your Retention, Please: A New Retention Model.” Both were well attended.
Faculty and Staff Recognition, Honors, Successes, and Awards
- The Purchasing and Payables Office congratulates Ms. Dinara Sherman, Procurement Supervisor, on successfully attaining her Master of Business Administration (MBA) degree from Rutgers Business School in Camden. Ms. Sherman began as an intern with the Purchasing and Payables Office, advancing to her current role as Procurement Supervisor due to her steadfast commitment to personal and professional growth. Her educational journey began with her associate degree from Ocean County College, advancing to a bachelor’s degree from Kean University, and completing an MBA.
Ms. Sherman’s passion for continuous learning is evident in her academic pursuits and day-to-day contributions to the Purchasing Department and the College. She seeks opportunities to broaden her horizons, engage with diverse perspectives, and forge meaningful connections within the campus community and beyond.
- Dr. Rosann Bar, Dean of the School of Business and Social Sciences, contributed to the Fulbright U.S. International Education Administrators Program through participation on a peer review committee. Committees completed the merit review of applications received for the 2024-2025 competition held in March 2024. Ms. Jordanna Enrich, Director of the Fulbright U.S. Scholar Program, recently sent a letter expressing her deep appreciation for the service of Dr. Rosann Bar.
- Ms. Stefanie Caton, Case Manager and Mental Health Technician, completed the Student Success Coaching certification sponsored by JTS Consulting.
- Dr. Kate Pandolpho, Director of the Counseling Center, completed training in the Community Resilience Initiative for Trauma Informed Certification.
- Ms. Carmen Mora, Program Coordinator of the Community and Displaced Homemakers Program, completed training to be a QPR facilitator.
Student Accomplishments, Honors, and Awards
- On April 2, 2024, Mr. Melchior Fernandez, an Interpreter Training Program (ITP) graduate, presented the stages of growth relating to ITP students on their journey from student to interpreter. The ITP students learned how to face challenges as students and turn them into practical learning experiences, as well as how vital collaboration, community, and connection are not only on the journey to becoming an interpreter but also after one becomes an interpreter.
- On April 5, 2024, College Lecturer II in Economics Sharmistha Banerjee led a team of OCC Business students to participate in the New Jersey Community College Case Study Competition that showcased some of the best county college students in New Jersey. The Rutgers Business School, Newark campus, hosted the event. Students crafted solutions to the challenges of applying business operations principles considering costs, efficiency, and customer satisfaction. In delivering their case study analysis at Rutgers Newark Campus, students also had to refine their presentation and communication abilities, fostering confidence in public speaking.
- OCC Music majors performed repertoire by Mozart, Mendelssohn, Chopin, Brahms, and Joplin in a masterclass with visiting artist Margarita Rovenskaya on April 5, 2024.
- On April 11, 2024, OCC Music students Luke Nokes, Ian Kanev, Daniela Hyland, and Jabriyah Lee provided thirty minutes of pre-ceremony music and also played during the Spring Phi Theta Kappa induction event.
- The 15th Annual Celebration of Achievement for the Displaced Homemakers Program is scheduled for Thursday, May 9, 2024, at 6:00 p.m. in the Larson Student Center. This celebration recognizes the accomplishments of the Program’s participants. The Displaced Homemakers Program currently serves 145 clients; 46 are new, and 99 are ongoing.
It is respectfully requested that a resolution be adopted to proclaim May 2024 as Displaced Homemakers Awareness Month at Ocean County College. Ms. Carmen Mora, Program Coordinator, will attend the May Board meeting to provide information on the program and introduce one of the program participants, Georgina.
- On Monday, April 15, 2024, students Hunter Mantz, Cheyenne Severin, Eileen Morrison, and Sabrina Gleason were accompanied by Director of Student Life Jen Fazio and Assistant Director of Student Life Michelle Youngs to the Trenton Statehouse for the New Jersey Community College Trenton Legislative Day organized by the New Jersey Council of County Colleges (NJCCC). This event provided an opportunity for OCC students, along with delegations from Bergen Community College, Brookdale Community College, Camden County College, Passaic County Community College, Rowan College of South Jersey, and Warren County College, to meet almost 30 legislative members to discuss the importance of community colleges and to request restoration of the $20 million in operating aid to the colleges. The Asbury Park Press interviewed veteran student Hunter Mantz about his experiences at OCC.
- The men’s volleyball team recently returned from the national invitational tournament at the College of DuPage in Illinois, finishing 5th in the country. The team won the Region 19 championship in its inaugural season last year, so this has been an extremely successful program thus far.
- OCC’s baseball team defeated nationally-ranked Brookdale Community College on March 27, 2024, a day made special not only by this win but also because it marked the 650th game of Coach Ed McRae’s collegiate career. Also, at this game, OCC’s 60th anniversary was celebrated by having OCC Foundation Executive Director Ken Malagiere and me throw ceremonial first pitches.
- OCC’s Tau Iota Chapter of Phi Theta Kappa, OCC’s honor society, held its spring induction ceremony on Thursday, April 11, 2024, in the Grunin Center Theater, with 126 new students welcomed to the chapter.
Student Clubs
- Student-run clubs at Ocean County College banded together on Thursday, April 18, 2024, to present the second annual Clubs for a Cause event. The evening of food and fun brought awareness to the issues of hunger and homelessness found at OCC and in Ocean County. Clubs for a Cause featured food by JBJ Soul Kitchen and OCC clubs, a live DJ, games, a scavenger hunt, and representatives from community organizations helping fight against hunger and homelessness.
Student Support Services and Activities
- On April 1, 2024, ITP students and faculty visited the Ocean County Courthouse. The second-year students interpreted the tour. Following the tour, the second-year students interpreted for a mock trial in Historic Courtroom One, with ITP first-year students playing the judge, plaintiff, defendant, and counsel for both sides. This was an educational and fun experience for all.
- Ms. Angelina Graham, a graduate of the ITP and current ASL teacher at Lakewood High School, brought her ASL Honors students to Assistant Professor of Humanities Kathy Basilotto’s ASL I class on April 10, 2024. The Lakewood students engaged in the lesson and enjoyed signing with OCC’s ASL students. Ms. Basilotto provided an informational session regarding the Interpreter Training Program. After the informational session, Instructor of Humanities and Fine Arts Saundra Piscitelli welcomed the Lakewood students into her Interpreting Theory class, where they could chat with first-year ITP students about what it is like to be a student in the program.
- The 4th Annual “Sink or Swim” Entrepreneurial Competition was held at OCC on Thursday, April 18, 2024. Mr. Chris Bottomley, College Lecturer II of Business, and Mr. Sean Bips, College Lecturer II of Hospitality and Tourism, in partnership with the Greater Toms River Chamber of Commerce, College Relations, OCC’s Business Innovation Consortium (BIC) students, and the School of Business, invited students from local high schools to compete for the title of “High School Entrepreneurial Team of the Year” and to earn trophies and monetary awards.
- Ms. Stephanie Kroeger and Mr. Jim Hadley, both College Lecturers in Accounting, in conjunction with the Accounting Club and the Business Innovation Consortium (BIC), are hosting the 3rd Annual Accounting Symposium on April 25, 2024, in the Gateway Auditorium from 3:30 to 5:00 p.m., with a networking session to follow. Several guest speakers from the accounting profession and transfer universities will be there. The accounting speakers represent a variety of jobs in the accounting profession, such as government, non-profit, tax, audit, Big 4, and more. Students will be exposed to various careers within accounting and learn the essential functions of those careers and how to obtain employment.
- The Office of Disability Services hosted two Wellness events and four “Walk-in-Wednesday” events during April. These events are open to the entire campus community and provide an opportunity to share information about services, eligibility, and academic support resources. Events were held at both the main and Manahawkin campuses.
- OCC Manahawkin hosted Mr. Ralf Hunter, Founder of the African-American Heritage Museum of Southern New Jersey, as a guest speaker on April 11, 2024, for an in-depth discussion with students. Thank you to Dr. Jeff Schencker and Mr. Peter Hartney, Adjunct Faculty Members in Social Sciences and Humanities, respectively, for making this opportunity available for students.
- Advisors met with students in all sections of the Student Success (STSC) course this Spring, an effort coordinated by Associate Director of Academic Advising Michele Connolly. The goal is to teach students how to understand and utilize their Academic Plans and to assist students with registration for Fall 2024. In a post-session survey, 97% of students indicated they know where to find the Academic Plans, and 93% indicated they understand how to register for next semester.
- Advising is currently planning and executing registration sessions for new students. Information regarding majors, term options, course modalities, guided self-placement, and transfer is available in a small group advising format. Students work with advisors to learn to interpret the My Progress screen in Student Planning, which allows them to track degree completion.
- In collaboration with the Academic Advising Department, the HUB team started Express Enrollment Days the week of April 15, 2024. Students from Lakewood High School, Brick Memorial High School, and Brick Township High School visited the campus between April 17 and 19, 2024, and were able to meet with advisors to complete their Fall schedules, receive their student IDs, and tour the campus and enjoy lunch. Additional Express Enrollment Days are anticipated to continue through June, with almost all Ocean County high schools visiting.
- The HUB team saw an increase of 17% in in-person transactions this March over last March. The average wait time for a student is 1.77 minutes, and the average service duration is just under 3 minutes.
Outreach to Students
- On March 26, 2024, Mr. Peter Cook, a deaf storyteller, presented a workshop for ITP students and a performance for the public in the evening.
- On April 8, 2024, Mr. René Pellerin, a deaf-blind comedian, performed his show, “When Cultures Collide,” to a packed audience of ITP students and the deaf community. Mr. Pellerin’s wit and fantastic sense of humor were crowd pleasers, and hands were applauding in the air throughout his performance.
- On April 11, 2024, Mr. Brian Gilmore, College Lecturer II in Humanities and Fine Arts, gave the final in a series of nine lectures devoted to the symphonies of Beethoven. The lectures were part of the free school initiative spear-headed by College Lecturers in Philosophy Mark Westmoreland and Chris Ruth, with the support of the OCC Foundation. Fifty-seven people were registered for this nine-week series of lectures that analyzed these works and investigated their historical significance.
- This year’s Career Day on May 1, 2024, will feature Mr. Paul Whitehead, OCC Class of 2013, as a guest speaker for Digital Mass Media students. Mr. Whitehead will discuss his Systems Coordinator role for the Ocean County Prosecutor’s Office. He handles all of the media needs for the Prosecutor’s Office, such as processing evidence footage, coordinating video conference court appearances for the County, and many other technical-related matters. Mr. Whitehead will discuss his role in showing students another career possibility beyond the traditional roles of cinematographer or director.
Community Outreach
- The Governmental Affairs Institute and Mr. Jason Ghibesi, College Lecturer II of Political Science, hosted a lecture and discussion on March 26, 2024, titled “Just the Facts Please: How to Navigate Information in the Era of Fake News.” The event was led by Ms. Pat Winters-Lauro, an Assistant Professor of Journalism at Kean University, who also served as a staff reporter at several major newspapers. She originated a national column about advertising and pop culture at the New York Daily News, served as a New York Times contributor, and has appeared in stories around the world in print and on TV about the need for News Literacy, a subject that she has also written about in academic journals. As a result of the lecture, students acquired techniques for effectively navigating misinformation/disinformation and recognizing bias in media.
- On March 28, 2024, STEM hosted the 2nd Annual Environmental Sciences Technical Conference in the Grunin Center. Over 200 students had the opportunity to hear from four guest speakers and network with over 35 vendors, the New Jersey Department of Environmental Policy, the New Jersey Department of Labor, and the Occupational Safety and Health Administration on various environmental concerns. The students were from Ocean County College, Kean University, Rutgers University, Montclair University, and local high schools.
As of the middle of April, two OCC students were interviewed and offered jobs; one student began a new position a week after the conference, and the other student will begin a position in early May. One student is negotiating an internship offer, and six other students are scheduled for interviews.
- The Sign Language Society will host its annual Spring ASL Rock and Roll Show on April 27, 2024. A portion of the proceeds will be donated to Tunnel to Towers. Ms. Kathy Basilotto is producing this show for the twenty-first time.
- The Office of Disability Services conducted four presentations in collaboration with the Ocean County Library system in March. Berkeley, Little Egg Harbor, Toms River, and Brick Library branches graciously hosted these community events. Parents, guardians, and high school students attended a discussion focusing on transition considerations for students with disabilities. Lively participation addressed transitioning from high school to college, including requesting reasonable accommodations.
- On April 25, 2024, Ms. Jamie Prioli, Assistant Director of Student Disabilities Services, and Ms. Rachelle Frable, Accessibility Services Specialist, conducted a workshop for county high school Child Study Team members. The workshop addressed the transition process from high school to college for students with disabilities. It included several tabletop exercises on streamlining self-advocacy skills and requests for better accommodations.
- On April 29, 2024, Disability Services attended the Jackson School District evening parent support group meeting to provide an overview of Disability Services at Ocean County College.
- Ms. Laura Wills, Director of Transfer and Articulation, works with four-year partners to develop and update articulation agreements. Discussions are underway with Stockton University regarding new 3+1 articulation agreements for Business degrees and a 2+2 agreement for Social Work. A contract with Georgian Court University is being developed; this agreement will ensure a seamless transfer of OCC students to GCU.
- OCC’s Spring Open House occurred on Wednesday, April 10, 2024. Potential students and their families enjoyed campus tours, meeting with academic and support program staff, refreshments, and spring-themed activities. The Student Center bustled with activity, with more than 150 potential Vikings able to take their first steps toward their future at Ocean County College.
- A focus group was held on campus on March 15, 2024, with leaders who work with students in the Latin community. Participants included the Puerto Rican Alliance, Ocean County Library, Lakewood School district, New Labor, Community Ambassadors, and Inspira NJ. Attendees enjoyed robust conversation and idea generation and will continue to meet every month.
- The Enrollment Services team members visited several high schools in the past month, including Lakewood High School for an ESL night, Jackson Liberty High School for a career day, and Brick Township High School for a transition fair.
- Ms. Calleigh Kearns represented Ocean County College at multiple events throughout the county, including the OCC solar eclipse event on April 8, 2024; the Environmental Science Technical Conference on campus on April 10, 2024; and the Hackensack Meridian Health Fair at Jersey Shore University Medical Center on April 16, 2024
- On April 16, 2024, OCC hosted Say it Proud – Stop the Stigma about Sexual Assault, a day of advocacy, support, and education around sexual assault. A variety of speakers and presentations were featured, including:
- The Ocean County Prosecutors Office presented on consent.
- Ms. Rachael Piazza presented on boundaries as well as teaching and demonstrating self-defense.
- A Lunch and Learn with OCC Security Officer Michael Caputo and OCC Title IX Coordinator Eileen Buckle.
- New Jersey Legal Services representatives discussed healthy vs. unhealthy relationships, the Prevention of Domestic Violence Act, and the Victim’s Assistance Survivor Protection Act.
- Providence House representatives presented resources and services. Several students also discussed their stories.
- A Suicide Prevention conference for regional mental health providers will be held on Thursday, May 9, 2024. The Counseling Center will collaborate with Bright Harbor Health Care and Kean University’s Counselor Education graduate school.
- On April 18, 2024, Dr. Patricia Gianotti, Coordinator of the Addictions Studies Program, led the Summit on Addictions and Recovery and Recovery Speaks presentation in collaboration with Hope Sheds Light, OCC’s Recovery community partner.
- The Grunin Center has offered exciting events:
- On March 28, 2024, the Center hosted a film screening that honored Mr. James Caldwell, a Toms River WWII veteran and businessman.
- Three Honor Society inductions were hosted in the Center: Lambda Alpha Epsilon (Criminal Justice), Phi Theta Kappa (Two-Year Colleges), and Psi Beta (Psychology).
- The OCC Dance Club recital was hosted on April 9, 2024.
- The Trash to Treasure gallery exhibit, part of OCC’s Social Justice series, was in the Center.
- BCCT presented Mary Poppins, JR., in the Theater from April 14 to 21, 2024.
- With assistance from across the campus, the Novins Planetarium and Grunin Center for the Arts hosted a community event to celebrate the Partial Solar Eclipse on the afternoon of April 8, 2024. The event featured sun and moon science activities, citizen science data collection, student clubs and organizations fundraising, informational tables, and music curated by WOCC. The Planetarium gave away over 2,000 pairs of solar eclipse glasses to faculty, staff, students, and the public, which the OCC Foundation partly funded. Of the 88 groups that responded to post-event surveys, 93% rated the event highly (4 or 5 of 5). The majority of the over 50 comments noted that the event was well organized and they enjoyed being on campus.
Professional Development
- Ms. Linda Simmons, MSN, RN, CEN, CNE, CHSE, Nursing Skills and Simulation Lab Coordinator, attended a Regional Simulation User Network Meeting on April 18, 2024, at the RWJ Barnabas Health Institute for Nursing Excellence in Livingston, New Jersey. The program focused on improving learning outcomes utilizing simulation and the collaboration of academia and healthcare systems.
- This month’s end-of-year e-Learning Adjunct Roundtable was held virtually on April 18, 2024. The online faculty community focused on advocating for online communities in virtual teaching settings. They reflected on the past academic year and plans for exploring strategies to strengthen and sustain the online learning environment, continue the advancement of virtual education at OCC, and discuss how online communities can enhance learning outcomes.
- e-Learning’s Tech Bytes, an express 30-minute training series, continued this month for in-person and online faculty. e-Learning offered sessions on the following topics:
- Canvas Grades
- Canvas Speedgrader
- Canvas New Analytics
- Brainfuse Online Tutoring
- VoiceThread
- Citation Generating Tools
- The final two sessions of the Universal Design for Learning (UDL) Series were held on March 29 and April 12, 2024. Eight faculty members and tutors participated. These sessions covered best practices in assessment using UDL and allowed participants to consider workshop ideas for incorporating UDL practices into their courses.
- HyFlex training continues, allowing instructors to learn best practices in the modality. HyFlex Basics, Organizing Your HyFlex Classroom, and In-Class Activities for HyFlex Classes had 5 participants. Each session offered a creative exchange of ideas amongst participants and also introduced participants to apps that are part of the Microsoft 365 package to help with better student engagement. Training will be offered again on Friday, April 26, 2024, covering best practices for assessments for HyFlex classes.
Workforce and Professional Education
Career Services
- Career Services held a job fair at the OCC main campus on April 2, 2024. An astounding 30 employers and 110 OCC students attended, and the employer feedback stressed the excitement of positive student engagement.
- A Career Services Job Fair was offered at the OCC Manahawkin campus on April 23, 2024, emphasizing full-time healthcare, real estate, and finance openings.
Surveys and feedback meetings will be held through April with all the employers who participated in these events.
- Career Services partnerships have been established with 17 new employers, including healthcare, legal, and law enforcement opportunities. The new partnerships include Great Adventure, the New Jersey Supreme Court, New Jersey Transit, Shoreline Wealth Management, New Jersey State Troopers, and waste management. All new employer partners have registered with OCC Handshake and have agreed to deliver targeted employee expectations conversations in the Fall.
- Career Services Handshake has added 13 new employers on the platform, and the Handshake job report shows 47 employers currently have OCC students listed as active applicants for employment.
Monthly Security Report
In accordance with New Jersey Public Law 2015, Chapter 220, and College Policy #2332, Reporting of On-Campus and Fire Events, attached is the monthly statistics report of crimes, fires, and other emergencies on campus for the reporting period of March 23, 2024, through April 19, 2024.