Identify as LGBTQ+?
Need a welcoming and accepting space?
Find an ALLY on campus – Look for the rainbow sails
Contact: Jen Fazio, Director of Student Life, Ocean Pride Advisor
Email: jfazio@ocean.edu
Contact: Michelle Youngs, Assistant Director of Student Life, Ocean Pride Advisor
Email: myoungs@ocean.edu
Ally | Location | |
Bar, Rosann | BART (Bldg 2) Room 221 | rbar@ocean.edu |
Carmody, Nanci | GATE (Bldg 101) Room 310 | ncarmody@ocean.edu |
Carroll, Tricia | HPEC(Bldg 29) Room G106 | pcarroll@ocean.edu |
Chalakani, Paul | GRUN (Bldg 11) Room 10 | pchalakani@ocean.edu |
Cohen, Ilene | HPEC (Bldg 29) Room 113 | icohen@ocean.edu |
D’Amore, Jacqueline | LIBR (Bldg 3) Room 003 | jdamore@ocean.edu |
Costanza, Deb | BART (Bldg 2) Room B210 | dcostanza@ocean.edu |
Ebeling-Witte,Susan | LIBR (Bldg 3) Room 010F | sebeling-witte@ocean.edu |
Fazio, Jennifer | LARS (Bldg 8) Room 208 | jfazio@ocean.edu |
Gargone, Karin | GRUN (Bldg 11) Room 115 | kgargone@ocean.edu |
Gioxaris, Michele | GRUN (Bldg 11) Room 115 | mgioxaris@ocean.edu |
Ghibesi, Jason | BART (Bldg 2) Room 309 | jghibesi@ocean.edu |
Guevera-Lovgren, Veronica | ADMN (Bldg 1)Rm. A024 | vguevera-lovgren@ocean.edu |
Irwin, Allison | LARS (Bldg 8) Room L205 | airwin@ocean.edu |
Kralik, Marilyn | GATE (Bldg 101) Room 208 | mkralik@ocean.edu |
LaMonica, Darlene | HPEC(Bldg 29) Room G10 | dlamonica@ocean.edu |
LaSota, Debra | ADMN (Bldg 1) Room 105 | dlasota@ocean.edu |
Lee-Vasquez, Debra | ADMN(Bldg 1) Room 210 | dlee-vasquez@ocean.edu |
Mohr, Kate | SEB (Bldg. 9) Rm. 116C | kmohr@ocean.edu |
Noone, Alison | RUSS (Bldg. 7) Room 112 | anoone@ocean.edu |
Olivares, Jose | GRUN (Bldg 11) Room 115 | jolivares@ocean.edu |
Pandolpho, Kate | LIBR (Bldg 3) Room 010F | kpandolpho@ocean.edu |
Pontoriero, Catherine | LIBR (Bldg 3) Room 109 | cpontoriero@ocean.edu |
Press, Joy | ADMIN (Bldg 1) Room 020 | jpress@ocean.edu |
Ramdeen, Vijay | HIER (Bldg 27) Room 234 | vramdeen@ocean.edu |
Rickards, Laura | GRUN (Bldg 11) Room 116 | lrickards@ocean.edu |
Rosinski-Kauz, Donna | LIBR (Bldg 3) Room 200B | drosinski-kauz@ocean.edu |
Sheridan, Heidi | GRUN (Bldg 11) Rm. 209 | hsheridan@ocean.edu |
Stroman, Sydney | SWC (Bldg 30) Room S103 | sstroman@ocean.edu |
Walsh, Tracey | HOVN (Bldg 104) Room 222 | twalsh@ocean.edu |
Willetts-Brierley, Beth | GRUN (Bldg 11) Room 105 | ewillets-brierley@ocean.edu |