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Ocean Help

Phone Support

OCC has 24/7 phone support for faculty, staff, and students.


Faculty can stop by the Help Desk located in the OIT building during business hours, Monday through Friday 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., except during breaks and holidays.

​​Student Help

Need help changing your Ocean Connect password?

  • Visit one of the open computer labs on campus
  • Call 1-844-344-3113 during business hours
  • Call 1-866-861-1122 for the after hours off-site Student Help Desk

Lab hours & locations can be found on the Student Help Links page.

Ocean Connect First Time Log-In

Access Ocean Connect by selecting “Ocean Connect” from the “My Ocean” drop-down menu at the top of the website.  Your initial password is your student ID number, which can be found on the My Account page of OCC’s online application.

You will be forced to reset your password after you enter your login information for the first time. Passwords expire every 120 days.

Please note, if you are earning college credit through your high school and did not complete an online application, you will receive your student ID number in the mail.

Ocean Connect Self-Service Password Reset

Find instructions on registering for OCC’s password self-service and resetting your password, along with a list of password requirements, on the Change/Reset Password page. Instructions are the same for students and faculty/staff.


Your username is your first initial followed by your last name. Your initial password is your 7-digit ID number.

  • Your initial password is your 7-digit employee ID number
    • Employee ID number is always 7 digits long, and always starts with a 0
    • You can also find your employee ID# by visiting the What’s My OCC Id? page

Faculty/Staff Example:
Username: jsmith
Password: 0123456

Still need help? Call the Faculty/Staff Help Desk at 732-255-0400 x2144

Students can find information about their username on the Student Change/Reset Password page under the “What’s my Username?” tab.

Viking Alerts

Register or update your Viking Alert account at to receive emergency alerts via text, email, or voicemail.

Canvas (Online Instruction)

OCC uses Canvas for online instruction, visit our Canvas Orientation to learn more. The Canvas Support Hotline is available 24/7 at 1-877-940-0472.

Phone Support

OCC has 24/7 phone support for faculty, staff, and students.


Faculty can stop by the Help Desk located in the OIT building during business hours, Monday through Friday 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., except during breaks and holidays.

​​Student Help

Need help changing your Ocean Connect password?

Campus Security Reminder

Remember that if you observe or witness suspicious activity or encounter unusual behavior, comments, postings, etc., you should contact college security at ext. 2200.

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